Critical Feedback in Work Culture

An unfavorable evaluation or negative criticism can feel like a punch in the stomach. We may interpret the words as a put-down as it may unconsciously bring unpleasant childhood memories to mind. Perhaps, our well-intentioned parents were excessively critical and we never addressed how those comments affected us as adults. In other words, as psychologists put it, emotional reactions to criticism could signal signs that an inner hurt child never healed. However, learning how to conquer one’s emotional reaction and talk reassuringly to our inner child is crucial to not only one’s personal success but to creating a more resilient work culture.

As the author of “Insight,” Tasha Eurich puts it, “The difference between the highly self-aware and the rest of us is that they push through that discomfort and ask for feedback anyway.”

The rare employees who handle critical feedback well often don’t interpret it as a personal attack and assume the feedback came from a positive place. They extract some kernel of truth from what was said and act upon it. Some may see it as a reaffirmation of the critic’s belief in their ability to overcome this deficiency and make a change for the better. Many already possess the ability to self-validate who they are so their feelings of personal security come from within, leaving them less vulnerable to becoming defensive when criticized. Others simply respond well to criticism and don’t confront the critic, triggering duel defensive reactions.

Of course, individuals who accept criticism well are a rare breed. The vast majority of us often verbalize being negatively judged as being “beat up,” “blasted,” “busted,” and “hit hard.” And hopefully, for all, critical comments were not blindly accepted. Dispassionately evaluating what was said is paramount as not all feedback is constructive. However, learning how to conquer one’s knee-jerk rejection of criticism can result in many individual and organizational benefits.

From an individual standpoint, finding ways to hear and appreciate constructive criticism and not see it as a threat can help us to regain our emotional poise when faced with it. From an organizational standpoint, engaging employees in a culture of continuous feedback and recognition can provide needed fuel for a more positive work culture, leading to a rise in employee engagement, accountability, and retention.

Watch this video for specific strategies on the best way to respond to criticism